Visitor information

Covid-19 Update (April 2022)

The Cory Christopher team is so excited to re-engage with our friends and clients as the situation continues to improve in Alberta and beyond. 

At present, we are monitoring recommended protocols and are doing our best to navigate all developments to protect our guests, staff and loved ones who remain at high risk. Whenever possible, we encourage our individual team members to determine the degree of contact and interaction that both they, and you the client, are comfortable with on a case by case basis. 

This page will be updated with our current Covid-19 safety procedures and guidelines for curbside pickup and studio visitors. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us by email at or phone (780) 447-3325.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Address: 56032 Rge Rd 245, Sturgeon County, AB T8R 0M1
Phone: (780) 996-5824
Hours: By appointment or Special Events

Birchwood Meadows welcomes visitors by appointment or private booking only, unless we are hosting a special event open to the public. For the 2023 U-Pick season, we expect to continue offering timed entry reservations, to ensure everyone is able to enjoy the farm comfortably.

Check out our Event Calendar for current and upcoming opportunities to experience some Birchwood magic and be sure to follow us on Instagram @birchwoodmeadows for news and sneak peeks.

Private Group Bookings: For groups of 6-12, we recommend a private booking. More Information

Birchwood Meadows is a working farm, so extra care and attention must be paid while enjoying the gardens.

The following rules apply to all visitors:
1. Pay attention to all signs, and do not explore without permission.
2. Respect and be courteous to all those around you.
3. Watch where you step! The ground is uneven and sometimes muddy.
4. Always keep an eye on your little ones. NO: Running, shouting, tree climbing, rock throwing, branch sword fighting or other crazy shenanigans.
5. Please DO NOT pick or cut flowers outside the designated u-pick raised beds.
6. Only service animals are allowed.
7. Littering, smoking or vaping are not permitted anywhere on the property.
8. If you are curious or unsure about anything, please ask.

Enjoy the flowers and thank you for visiting!

Learn to care for your fresh cut flowers, arrangements, new potted plants and succulents here.